Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Looking at where to go this year...

There's the same old choices; Frontenac, Depot Lakes, Algonquin. etc etc
And it's hard, in the middle of February to be thinking, trying to put my thoughts into the summer and think "Now, where would I WANT to be on July 15th or August or whenever?"
It's hard to NOT see the snow and cold and ice everywhere and find my sunny hot "happy place"

Though I know that eventually I will be on Gould Lake and Big Salmon and even maybe Smoke, Canoe or Galeairy Lake and paddling.
This thought from here as I sit here at 6 in the morning on February 17th will still be there (here?) as I read it in 5 months and I'm here in July...

I realise I need to move on a coule sites before they are taken but as well I want to not just pick a day to just pick a day.

Trips we need to think about:

1) over-nighter with Danny and Phil
2) over-nighter with Gunnar and Joachim.
3) over-nighter with Sam and me.
4) over-nighter with Sam, Grace, Leslie and me (KOA).
5 1-27(kidding) nights with just me.

All that plus Bon Echo and the Cottage..

PLUS day trips...
PLUS beach days....


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